On my nutrition

During my teens, twenties, and early thirties, I wish I had a better understanding of nutrition and its impact on well-being. I believe the general population often underestimates or is unaware of the significance of nutrition on overall health. This document outlines my theory on nutrition, details how I incorporate it into my daily routine, and includes a bit of ranting.

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TIL how easy it is to build multi-arch container images

I seem to find that most of my personal projects end up running on a Raspberry Pi in my home network. Raspberry Pis are a cheap source of compute suitable for most development tasks and non-critical workloads. But they introduce an interesting problem: their CPU architectures are different than most developer workstations - mine included - and popular cloud compute options. It’s been a long while since I’ve revisited this and recently I was super happy to find how easy Docker has made building multi-architecture container images that will run on both my workstation and my “production servers” for private and personal projects.

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To be more persuasive, say less...

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TIL how to override a git-commit date

GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="Mon 11 May 2020 20:19:19 CDT" git commit --date "Mon 11 May 2020 20:19:19 CDT"

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TIL how to make championship Aeropress coffee

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TIL about Almon Brown Strowger

Portrait of Almon Brown Stowger (source: Wikipedia)

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TIL about neural networks

A 4-layer neural network

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TIL what thromb- means

thromb- combining form. (Pathology) indicating a blood clot: thromboembolism. [from Greek thrombos lump, clot]

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TIL about overfitting and feature regularization

Two algorithms plotted: one that's overfitted and one that's had feature regularization applied (Source: Wikipedia)

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TIL how to install Octave packages

pkg install -forge io
pkg install -forge statistics

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