TIL what thromb- means permalink
thromb- combining form. (Pathology) indicating a blood clot: thromboembolism. [from Greek thrombos lump, clot]
I’ve recently come across enough words beginning with the prefix thromb- or thrombo- to trigger my curiousity and seek out the origins.
Examples include:
- thrombosis: just a regular old blood clot
- thromboembolism: a blood clot that became dislodged from another point in the circulatory system and is now blocking circulation
- thrombocytopenia: when you have low platlet counts (meaning the inability to clot?)
I would have figured that one of the reasons thromb- was prevalent was due to the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic which has caused a lot of respiratory issues for folks. But I can’t seem to find any thromb- words relating to the lungs.