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Create a bootable USB in OSX

I often find myself having to (re-)lookup the steps to create a bootable USB drive containing some variant of Linux to help me recover or update my system. Below are those steps.

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Set IntelliJ author name in OS X Yosemite

When IntelliJ auto-generates comments, the out-of-the-box configuration dumps your OSX username out in the comment:

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Clear Docker of containers and images

In order to stop all running Docker containers, delete them, and remove their images, run the following command:

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Recover broken Grub2 install on RAID

After updating my mediacenter PC running Linux Mint 16.1 Petra with XBMC to the newer 17.1 Rebecca version I rebooted into an unfortunate state:

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Install Jenkins via Docker

You should have Docker properly installed on your machine. Check Docker installation guide for details.

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Docker via Homebrew

Docker is a great tool for getting lightweight, isolated Linux environments. It uses technology that doesn’t work natively on Macs. Until now you’ve had to boot into a VM to install and use Docker, but it’s now a little easier than that.

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Use for ActiveMQ web monitoring

The documentation at Apache for ActiveMQ’s integration in their Karaf OSGi container is a little out-of-date. Installing the activemq bundles from the repo doesn’t make available the troubleshoot-friendly web console typically available with at OOTB, basic AMQ install.

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OSX Proxy Pac Woes

Apple’s OSX has a not-so-intuitive Network Settings interface. We use a company-wide .pac file to improve security and network performance. However, on the development team, we like to manage our own environments and this often leads to conflict with the more general company policies. I encountered an issue where I couldn’t access a development virtual machine running locally. While fixing it I came across some really interesting information.

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Think WebKit won? Don't Blink.

XKCD - Standards

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